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1. 면역활동기, 면역반응기 E항원양성 만성B형간염, 20대후반; 같은 상태 지속 확인, 2. 크레아틴 복용에 의한? - 동대문구 답십리, 장안동, 우리안애 우리안愛 내과

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크레아티닌이 상승되어 보이는데, 크레아틴 섭취에 의한?

소변에 혈뇨/단백뇨 없는 상태에서..

크레아틴도 중지하고 한달뒤 추적 하기로 하였다.

Creatine supplements may transitorily rise serum creatinine levels and mimic a kidney disease. 크레아티닌 수치를 올릴수 있다. If its use is associated with a high protein diet, the resulting increase in blood urea nitrogen will increase the confusion. Since clinical laboratories usually inform the estimated glomerular filtration rate based on serum creatinine, its elevation may lead to over diagnose a chronic renal failure, with the inherent personal and public health consequences. Creatine supplements are safe and do not cause renal disease. 신장질환과 연관성은 없어 안전하다고 한다. Reports of kidney damage associated with its use are scanty. However, creatine supplements should not be used in people with chronic renal disease or using potentially nephrotoxic medications.

Is It Time for a Requiem for Creatine Supplementation-Induced Kidney Failure? A Narrative Review

Creatine has become one of the most popular dietary supplements among a wide range of healthy and clinical populations. However, its potential adverse effects on kidney health are still a matter of concern. This is a narrative review of the effects of creatine supplementation on kidney function. Despite a few case reports and animal studies suggesting that creatine may impair kidney function, clinical trials with controlled designs do not support this claim. Creatine supplementation may increase serum creatinine (Crn) concentration for some individuals, 일부에서 크레아티닌 수치를 상승시킬 수 있다. but it does not necessarily indicate kidney dysfunction, as creatine is spontaneously converted into Crn. 크레아틴이 크레아티닌으로 바뀌므로 신장기능 이상이라고 얘기할 수 없다. Based on studies assessing kidney function using reliable methods, creatine supplements have been shown to be safe for human consumption. 우선은 안전하다고 볼수 있다. Further studies with people who have pre-existing kidney disease remain necessary.

동대문구 답십리 우리안애, 우리안愛 내과, 건강검진 클리닉 내과 전문의 전병연



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