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최근 키토제닉 다이어트를 한다고 하며 소변으로 확인해보고 싶다고 하여 소변검사스트립으로 시행
+4 를 확인
(검진때 공복으로 내원시 공복 정도에 따라 양성이 나오는 경우가 있으나 이 경우는 식사하고 온 상태)

An extreme form of low-carbohydrate diet called the ketogenic diet was first established as a medical diet for treating epilepsy.[4] It became a popular fad diet for weight loss through celebrity endorsement, but there is no evidence of any distinctive benefit for this purpose and the diet carries a risk of adverse effects,[4][5] with the British Dietetic Association naming it one of the "top five worst celeb diets to avoid" in 2018.[4]
[4] "Top 5 worst celeb diets to avoid in 2018". British Dietetic Association. 7 December 2017. Archived from the original on 6 February 2020. Retrieved 6 February 2020. The British Dietetic Association (BDA) today revealed its much-anticipated annual list of celebrity diets to avoid in 2018. The line-up this year includes Raw Vegan, Alkaline, Pioppi and Ketogenic diets as well as Katie Price's Nutritional Supplements.
; 가장 피해야 할 유명인 다이어트 top 5
The ketogenic diet: Pros and cons
다이어트 방법간에 체중감량의 차이는 없더라.
Weight loss is the primary reason my patients use the ketogenic diet. Previous research shows good evidence of a faster weight loss when patients go on a ketogenic or very low carbohydrate diet compared to participants on a more traditional low-fat diet, or even a Mediterranean diet. However, that difference in weight loss seems to disappear over time.
동대문구 답십리 우리안애, 우리안愛 내과, 건강검진 클리닉 내과 전문의 전병연