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갑상선항진증, 그레이브스병, 2년 투약 후 중지, 정상기능 유지중, 재발할 가능성은? - 동대문구 답십리, 전농동, 우리안애 우리안愛 내과

상기 환자 24년 1월까지 복용후 자의 중단, 계획보다는 일찍 중단한 상태이나...

24.3월 이후 3번에 걸쳐 갑상선 기능은 정상을 유지중

3, 5월에 걸쳐 TSH가 감소하는 방향이었으나 9월 마지막 검사에서 지속적으로 감소하지 않는 것을 확인함

The percentage of patients in remission was 86.9% at 6 months, 73.8% at 1 year, and 68.2% at 2 years after ATD discontinuation.

; 30%는 2년이내에 재발할 수 있다는...

Time course of relapse — Recurrent hyperthyroidism is initially manifested by a low serum TSH concentration. The time to relapse is related to the presence or absence of TRAbs. In antibody-positive patients, relapse can occur as soon as 10 days after drug cessation, while in antibody-negative patients, it can take many months or even years for recurrence to develop in that fraction of patients (25 to 30 percent) who eventually recur. Prolonged remission is likely if the patient remains euthyroid for six months, and late relapse occurs in only 8 to 10 percent of patients who remain euthyroid for six months. Recurrences are particularly common in the postpartum period in women who were previously in remission after thionamide treatment. 자가항체가 음성인 경우 재발하는데 수개월에서 수년이 걸릴수 있는데 약 25~30%에서.​

동대문구 답십리 우리안애, 우리안愛 내과, 건강검진 클리닉 내과 전문의 전병연



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