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당화혈색소 9.5~10 이상에서 인슐린 치료 vs. 경구 약제


40 대 후반 남자

식후 혈당 360, 당화혈색소 11.7

인슐린 사용 후 1달뒤, 20단위 사용중 (kg당 약 0.2 단위), 아침공복 105~130

2달 사용 후 경구약제 3제로 전환해보기로 하였다.


50대 초반 남자

초진시 당이 높은지 3년, 치료 받지 않음

식후 1시간 혈당 406, 당화혈색소 10.4

경구 3제로 시작, metformin 1000 mg, pioglitazone 30 mg, evogliptin 5 mg

투약 3주 후 가정혈당 공복 150~170, 식후 250 내외

1.5개월 지난 시점 (10월중순) 에 진료실 혈액검사

아침 공복 혈당 123

현재 상태 추적 예정

초치료로서의 인슐린

INSULIN AS INITIAL THERAPY — Insulin, rather than oral hypoglycemic agents, may be indicated for initial treatment for some patients with type 2 diabetes, depending on the severity of the baseline metabolic disturbance. Insulin should be particularly considered (고려할 수 있다) for patients presenting with A1C >9.5 percent (80.3 mmol/mol), fasting plasma glucose >250 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L), random glucose consistently >300 mg/dL (16.7 mmol/L), ketonuria, or with unplanned weight loss in association with hyperglycemia. In addition, a brief period (two to four weeks) of intensive insulin treatment at the onset of type 2 diabetes may be beneficial, although this approach is not widely used. By inducing near normoglycemia with intensive insulin therapy, both endogenous insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity improve. The improvement in insulin secretion is presumably due to the elimination of the deleterious effects of hyperglycemia on beta cell secretory function, and, in some patients, it results in better glycemic control that can then be maintained with diet and exercise for many months or even years thereafter.


동대문구 답십리 우리안애, 우리안愛 내과, 건강검진 클리닉 내과 전문의 전병연



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