상기 환자 **대학병원 내분비내과에서 뇌하수체 MRI등 시행 특이소견이 없었으며..
다음중 하나인 resistance syndrome (저항성) 이지 않을까 하는 설명을 들었다고 하며... 그 3차 병원 주치의도 손에 꼽을 정도의 환자를 추적하고 있다고 하며, 변화가 있으면 다시 평가하기로 하였다고 한다.
Other causes of secondary hyperthyroidism include: TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma, Thyroid hormone-resistance syndrome, hCG-secreting tumor, and Gestational thyrotoxicosis.
B형 간염 보균자로서 22년 가을 초진시, E항원/항체 모두 양성, E항원 수치가 높지는 않으나..

23년 같은 모습, 모두 양성, 전환기로서 둘다 양성인가??

24년, 혈청전환, seroconversion되었다.

E항원 혈청 전환
pontaneous loss of HBeAg and development of antibodies to HBeAg (anti-HBe), referred to as HBeAg seroconversion, are associated with low HBV-DNA levels and clinical remission of liver disease in the majority of patients. 이후에 대부분의 환자에서 낮은 바이러스 및 인상적 관해와 연관이 있다.
Earlier HBeAg seroconversion, or a shorter HBeAg-positive phase, is associated with a higher chance of sustained remission, lower rate of HBeAg reversion, and slower progression of liver disease and even increased hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroclearance 이른 혈청 전환 혹은 짧은 E항원 음성기가 지속되는 관해, 낮은 E항원 역전환, 간질환의 진행, 게다가 증가하는 S항원 (표면항원) 혈청전환과 높은 연관성을 가진다.
In natural history studies of Asian HBsAg-positive children, the rate of spontaneous HBeAg seroconversion is low: <2% per year among children 3 years or younger and 4–5% per year in older children. Approximately 90% of HBsAg carriers who acquire HBV in early life remain HBeAg positive at age 15–20 years, whereas HBeAg positivity decreases with increasing age and is <10% in patients older than 40 years. 어릴때 혹은 모태감염일때 ~20세까지는 90%에서 E항원 양성이나 나이가 들면서 감소하여 40세 이상에서는 10 % 미만이다.
The progressive decrease in HBeAg positivity starts in association with a transition to the immune clearance phase. The immune clearance phase is characterized by HBeAg seropositivity, fluctuating or high HBV-DNA and ALT levels, hepatitis flares, and increased inflammatory activity in the liver 면역활동기/제거기; E항원 양성이면서 변동하는/높은 DNA 그리고 ALT 수치, 간수치의 변동...
The clinical and histologic events that occur during this phase often influence the progression to liver disease 이 시기에 임상적/조직학적 변화가 추후 간질환 진행에 영향을 미친다.
이 시기에 영향이 컸을 것으로 생각되는 30대 비활동성... 이나 간경화의 판단이 어렵지 않은
On the other hand, the immune clearance effort or events eventually lead to HBeAg seroconversion and transition to the inactive carrier phase 그리고, E항원 혈청전환이 이루어지고 비활동성 상태가 된다. HBeAg seroconversion is also associated with a sustained reduction in HBV-DNA levels DNA감소와 연관이 있다.
On the basis of these data, the authors concluded that HBeAg seroconversion was associated with a slower progression of disease and regression of fibrosis E항원 혈청전환은 늦은 질병의 진행과 섬유화의 호전과 연관된다. Furthermore, among persons in such sustained inactive state, spontaneous HBsAg seroconversion to anti-HBs may occur at a rate of 1–2% per year. HBsAg seroclearance confers excellent prognosis and is a state closest to a “cure” if there is no pre-existing cirrhosis or hepatitis C virus superinfection. 게다가 S항원까지 얺어지면 완치에 가까운!! (이전에 간경화가 없다면)
<<<S항원 혈청 전환의 관찰>>>
A hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) level <1,000 IU/ml is indicative of inactive infection and a level <200 IU/ml with decline of >0.5 log10 IU/ml per year predicts HBsAg loss within 1–3 years. S항원, 표면항원의 역가가 낮으면 혈청전환이 기대된다.
S항원 혈청전환 되었으나 배경은 간경화, 추적중 간암의 발생
In cohort studies involving adult CHB patients from Taiwan who had undergone spontaneous HBeAg seroconversion, the estimated annual incidence of hepatitis relapse was 2.2–3.3% E항원이 다시 나타나거나 아니면서 간염의 재발이 발생하기도 한다. 아래의 빈도
In one of these studies involving 283 patients with CHB who were followed for a median period of 8.6 years after HBeAg seroconversion, 4.2% had HBeAg reversion and 24% developed HBeAg-negative hepatitis with detectable HBV-DNA; most patients relapsed during the first 10 years after HBeAg seroconversion. The cumulative probability of developing HBeAg-negative hepatitis following spontaneous HBeAg seroconversion was 14, 18, and 22% at 3, 5, and 10 years of follow-up, respectively.
On the basis of these data, the authors concluded that HBeAg positivity is associated with an increased risk of developing HCC. These results have subsequently been confirmed in a long-term follow-up study involving 3,582 HBsAg-positive Taiwanese patients who were followed for a mean of 11 years. In this patient cohort, HBeAg seropositivity was associated with an increased risk for HCC (hazard ratio [HR] = 2.6; 95% CI = 1.6–4.2; P > 0.001). The cumulative HCC risk from age 30 to 70 years has been estimated to be 87% for those who were persistently seropositive for both HBsAg and HBeAg, 12% for those with persistent seropositivity for HBsAg only, and 1% for those who were seronegative for both HBsAg and HBeAg. E항원이 지속적으로 양성이면 간암의 발생이 증가한다. 87%에 육박한다!!
40대 이후에도 E항원 양성
바로 위 사례 --> 아래에서 2번째 사례, 간경화로 판단하여 항바이러스제를 권할지 고민하는 중
동대문구 답십리 우리안애, 우리안愛 내과, 건강검진 클리닉 내과 전문의 전병연
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