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병원 자동 혈압 163/102
진료실 수동 혈압 186/120
3년전부터 높았다고 하며...

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수일뒤 방문
가정 혈압이 165 이상
진료실 수동 혈압은 166/108로 백의고혈압은 없으며 .. 혈압이 높은것으로 판단하여 투약 시작함
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(서혜부 림프절은 주로 비뇨기과/산부인과를 먼저 방문해주세요. 대부분의 관련 질환들이 그 과에 해당하기 때문입니다.)
Inguinal lymphadenopathy is a nonspecific finding (비특이적인 소견) that is characteristic of inflammatory pathology almost anywhere in the groin or either lower extremity. It may also be a manifestation of systemic disease, such as HIV infection (HIV감염), tuberculosis (결핵), or lymphoma (림프종). It often accompanies genital infection (생식기감염). Although the inguinal and femoral lymph nodes drain the genital region in both men and women, the inner segment of the vagina and the cervix drain into deep pelvic and perirectal lymph nodes. Anorectal lymph drainage (항문직장부위 병변) patterns are also complex and depend on whether infection occurs above or below the dentate line (the mucocutaneous junction in the rectum) In either case, if pelvic lymph nodes are involved in inflammatory genital pathology, pelvic or rectal discomfort may be the most striking symptom.
Bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy (양측 림프절 병변) is typical in syphilis (매독). Like the chancre of primary syphilis, it is usually painless (통증이 없는). In secondary syphilis, as befitting a systemic process, lymphadenopathy distant from the genital area is common. Typically, the inguinal, axillary, cervical, and epitrochlear nodes are involved.54 Lymphadenopathy associated with a herpetic genital lesion (헤르페스) is usually bilateral (양측) and, like the lesion, also is tender (압통이 있는). In HSV infection and in syphilis, lymphadenopathy persists for some time after resolution of the lesion.
LGV and chancroid are characterized by expansive, tender lymph nodes called buboes. These may be unilateral or bilateral. A central area of fluctuance often develops; if left untreated, it eventually spontaneously ruptures. Although drainage may be spontaneous, tenderness can become sufficiently severe to warrant intervention and drainage. Lymphadenitis is unusual in granuloma inguinale.
증상의 시간이 얼마 되지 않았다면 비뇨기과/산부인과를 통한 평가가 우선되는 것이 효율적일 것으로 생각된다.
5년간 혈압의 방관
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50대에 심근경색 발생한 여환
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