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Auricular hematomas most commonly arise from glancing blows to the ear, though they may also develop spontaneously or from conditions like autoimmune disease and infection. 빗겨맞는 가격이 주된 이유이나 자연히 발생하기도 한다.
Auricular hematomas have been described since before the original Olympic games when the ancient Greeks considered the cauliflower ear deformity—the condition's most common sequela—a high-level wrestler's symbol. 만두귀 (콜리플라워 변형) - 혈종의 결과
Today, auricular hematomas sustained from high-risk activities are treated with prompt drainage and pressure dressing to prevent complications. 즉각적인 배액과 압박드레싱으로 합병증 (감염이나 콜리플라워 변형) 을 예방한다.
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